Tiny Commercial

pre Vaše nové podnikanie

Z domčekov Mooble House môžete vytvoriť krásne ubytovanie a ponúknuť tak skvelý zážitok, v ktorom budú zákazníci cítiť pocit domova s dotykom prírody. 

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?

I have been operating a mobile home on wheels for 2 years. In addition to the interesting side income, the guests who leave after their stay also make me happy. I am glad that I can show other people this piece of our unknown paradise. In this turbulent time, it was worthwhile for me to invest in just such a form. I have to underline the benefits such as the new housing trend, little bureaucracy with the authorities, contact with nature, the comfort of the house. Well thank you.

Najväčšie prekážky rozšírenia ubytovania:

  • High construction costs.
  • Lengthy and difficult permitting process.
  • Long construction time.
  • Missing concept.


Za výnosným podnikateľským nápadom nemusíte chodiť ďaleko. Ponúkame jedinečnú a novú formu investovania do zaujímavej formy ubytovania s domami na kolesách. Vďaka týmto mobilným domom s benefitmi karavanu a komfortom hotela môžete začať podnikať už o 60 dní. Domy sú definované ako obytné prívesy kategórie O2, majú ŠPZ, EČV a VIN číslo. Vďaka tomu nepotrebujete stavebný pozemok a ani vykonávať povoľovacie procesy na úradoch.

Houses are advantageous in that VAT can be deducted and there is also the possibility of 6 annual depreciations, as with a car. The return on investment is in the range of 3 to 5 years.

Our houses offer a unique opportunity to spend an unforgettable vacation with the full comfort of an apartment. Guests are accommodated in the perfect comfort of a "tiny house", with air conditioning, complete house equipment, where they can fully enjoy the surrounding environment and at the same time have at their disposal a luxurious bedroom, living room, kitchen and, last but not least, a bathroom with toilet. Guests are not dependent on tents, shared showers and toilets, or commuting to the main building for these services.

The concept is easily applicable on most plots of land, and as a result, with minimal investment in permitting procedures and a minimum of legislative barriers, a high-quality holiday resort meeting world quality standards can be launched. Either in the form of an expansion of an existing business or by creating a new resort.

Making money in tourism has never been more affordable.

Forget boring commercial real estate with a long-term return on investment, create something different, interesting and, above all, economically acceptable. We will help you choose the right product for your accommodation, we will pass on know-how and marketing tips to increase interest in your accommodation.

Spravíme z Vás nášho exkluzívneho partnera na prenájom a predaj našich domov.

Zaujala Vás táto forma investovania? Neváhajte sa nám ozvať a radi Vám poradíme.

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